Video from our campaign “Pour un Québec accessible”
This webconference presented by Michel Danakas, physiotherapist from the Institut universitaire sur la réadaptation en déficience physique de Montréal, talks about the advances in research on spinal lesions. This video is in French only.
The ‘Café scientifique’ was an event organized by MEMO-Qc in partnership with the Rick Hansen Institute (RHI) and with the collaboration of the Réseau provincial de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation (REPAR) aimed at developing a common understanding of impact of pressure wounds in the daily lives of people living with spinal cord injury and identify recommendations and priorities for future research and investment in Quebec. Staff Physician at IRGLM Ben Albright, physiotherapist and clinical research coordinator at IRGLM Marie Thérèse Laramée and Jacques Comeau, quadriplegic and Integration Counselor at MEMO-Qc, gave lectures followed by workshops and a plenary session.