Paraquad Magazine

Created in June 1976, Paraquad magazine has become an invaluable link over the years between our organization and its members and partners. Distributed for free to members, it is our communication tool of choice. This quarterly is focussed not only on people with spinal cord injuries and their families, but also to interested organizations and, to a greater extent, to those who are interested in spinal cord injuries.

Topics covered in the magazine are consistent with the mission of our organization. Indeed, MEMO-Qc focuses its activities in four main areas : the social integration of people with SCI, the employability of people with disabilities, the rights and interests of disabled people, and support for research affecting spinal cord injuries. As such, articles cover topics such as related news, updates on our campaigns, interviews with inspirational people and our activities among others.

Since Fall 2022, our magazine is available online as well as printed. Our members now have the choice to receive the online or the printed version (or maybe both)!

For any question, you can communicate with us by email.