Support Fund (Emergency)

Spinal Injured Member Support Program

This program of the “Fondation moelle épinière et motricité Québec” is designed to help members of MEMO-Qc who have a spinal cord injury and their families. It is intended for those who have difficulty meeting a significant and non-recurring need, which is not covered or only partially covered by private support programs or government agencies. For the current year, the overall budget allocated to the program is $ 20,000.

* Application instructions can be found at the bottom of this page.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Be a resident of Quebec
  • Have a traumatic or non-traumatic spinal cord injury
  • Have a non-recurring financial need to address a significant issue directly related to the spinal cord injury

* On an exceptional basis, the committee may analyze and accept a request that is not directly related to the spinal cord injury, if the financial support will promote the applicant’s autonomy, social participation and improved quality of life.

The financial support grant must:

  •  Promote autonomy, social participation and an improvement in quality of life
  • Provide access to services or care that are not covered or are not available due to program limitations, restrictions in private programs, long waiting times, or lack of resources in these programs

The grant support may (by way of example) help defray the cost of:

  • Health or social services
  • Equipment or technical assistance
  • The adaptation of an environment
  • Access to a resource

Purchase made before submission of an application

  • The financial support will not be offered to people who have already made a prior purchase of the applied for equipment or technical assistance, the payment of a service rendered, the costs of the adaptation of a property except in exceptional cases. For example, it can be:
  • an adaptation of a residence (while the person is waiting for a response to his request submitted under the Home Adaptation Program (PAD) of the Société d’Habitation du Québec (SHQ))
  • the purchase of expensive materials or equipment

Terms and conditions: 

  • The maximum amount that can be awarded is $ 2000 $
  • The request must be made in writing by the person concerned or by a family member who has been authorized by the person concerned
  • The medical certificate issued by a health professional (doctor, occupational therapist, physiatrist, etc.), by any other professional as well as any other document used to support the application, must be clear, concise and legible.
  • The applicant must not make an application that has been already submitted to the SAAQ, the CNESST, the IVAC or any other organization for the same reason and for the same amount. However, if it has been refused an application may be made, but proof of refusal must be provided.
  • The beneficiary does not have the necessary financial means to cover the expenses related to his request
  • If financial assistance is granted, MÉMO-QC will make the payment directly to the supplier.
  • If the beneficiary obtains financial assistance when his statement proves to be false, the MEMO-Qc Foundation will require reimbursement of the total amount provided and the person will be excluded from applying for assistance for three years.

Requests for support must include:

  • Full name, address, and telephone number of applicant
  • Nature of disability and limitations, date of trauma, if applicable
  • Issue for which the application is being made
  • Amount requested
  • Supporting documents, if applicable

All requests are treated confidentially.

A written response shall be sent within four weeks of the filing of the application.

For information, please call (514) 341 7272 – toll-free 1-877-341-7272

To apply for support, please complete this form and return it by e-mail to indicating “Spinal Injured Member Support Program”,  by fax at 514 341-8884 or by mail at the office of MEMO-Qc (6020 Jean-Talon East Street, Unit 400, Montreal, Quebec, H1S 3B1).