If you or someone you know is living with a spinal cord injury, then MEMO-Qc’s social integration services are for you. We support people with spinal cord injuries from the time of their diagnosis, through their physical readaptation process, to their reintegration into society. Subsequently, the support continues, as needed, throughout their lives.
It is through our social integration services that those who become paraplegic or quadriplegic as a result of an accident can receive the services of our integration counselors, who themselves have a SCI. Who better to support, advise, and motivate a new SCI patient to help guide along the path of social integration.
People who have been living with a spinal cord injury for a long time can also benefit from this service, which remains a constant source of information throughout their lives. In addition, our integration counsellors organize numerous social events throughout the year, which gives our members a chance to meet peers who have similar experiences to share.