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Problematic caregiving activities among family carers of older adults with disabilities

Résumé Family carers of older adults with disability often both experience stress that may affect their ability to provide care, and find some caregiving activities differentially challenging. The objectives of this research are to identify the caregiving activities that are most problematic to carers and to explore the reasons why carers found these activities challenging. Participants were past or current carers aged 19 years and older. Using an explanatory sequential mixed-methods approach, data were collected through a survey and open-ended interviews. Thematic analysis revealed that an activity was likely to be more problematic if it had to be coordinated with other caregiving needs or where a care recipient’s disability was severe
AuteursOladele Atoyebi, Maude Beaudoin, Claudine Auger, Andrew Wister, Michelle Plante, W. Ben Mortenson
Titre de revue/journal, volume et numéroRevue Développement Humain, Handicap et Changement social, volume 25, numéro 1.
Langue de la publication et/ou de traductionAnglais (langue d’origine)
Année de parution2019
Institutions affiliéesUniversité Laval, Université de Montréal, Université de Colomie-Britannique, Centre de recherche de l’Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal
Lien vers la publicationDOI: 10.1332/239788221X16197074848111
Type d’accès à la publicationGratuit
Mots clésfamily carers, activities of daily living, ageing, disability
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