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Housing, Transportation and Quality of Life among People with Mobility Limitations: A Critical Review of Relationships and Issues Related to Access to Home- and Community-Based Services

Résumé Anecdotal reports suggest that adequate housing and transportation could be fundamental elements required to ensure quality of life (QOL) for people with mobility limitations. Certain home- and community-based services (HCBS) are also necessary to ensure that housing and transportation needs are met. Understanding QOL as it relates to housing and transportation is critical for people with mobility limitations but requires appropriate assessment of these constructs. The aims of this research were to explore the relationships between housing and transportation on QOL for people with mobility limitations, to describe the current conceptual measurement issues and to propose dimensions of access that could facilitate assessment of QOL as it relates to housing, transportation and HCBS. A critical review of the literature was conducted by experts in disability, QOL and access theory. While evidence indicated a potential influence of housing and transportation on QOL for people with mobility limitations, the relationships between these concepts were weak and inconclusive. Moreover, the measurement tools used lacked appropriateness to specifically measure these constructs. Approaching these measurement issues within an access theory may better position future research to address the housing, transportation and HSBS needs of people with mobility limitations. Future research may consider elements of availability, accessibility, accommodation, affordability, acceptability and awareness to ensure access for people with mobility limitations. A better understanding of QOL as it relates to housing, transportation and HCBS will improve the quality of research, which may in turn improve access of adequate services for people with mobility limitations.
Krista L. Best, Luc Noreau, Marie-Andrée Gagnon, Corentin Barthod, Sander L. Hitzig et François Routhier
Titre de revue/journal, volume et numéroDisabilities, volume 2, numéro 2.
Langue de la publication et/ou de traductionAnglais (langue d’origine)
Année de parution2022
Institutions affiliéesUniversité Laval, CIRRIS, CIUSSS-Capitale Nationale, Université de Toronto, Institut de recherche Sunnybrook
Lien vers la publicationhttps://doi.org/10.3390/disabilities2020015
Type d’accès à la publicationGratuit
Mots clésquality of life, housing, transportation, service needs, disability, access
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