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Ankle proprioception during gait in individuals with incomplete spinal cord injury

Résumé Introduction
Proprioception is known to be affected after a spinal cord injury (SCI). However, it is currently assessed during simple tasks that do not reflect activities of daily living. To better understand how proprioception affects movement, assessing it during a functional sensorimotor task such as walking is therefore of primary importance.
Therefore, the objectives of this study were as follows: (a) measure the protocol reliability of a new robotic test in non disabled controls; (b) evaluate the effect non lesion-related factors such as sex, age, pain, and gait speed on ankle proprioception; and (c) assess ankle proprioception during walking in individuals with SCI.
AuteursCharline Dambreville, Benoit Pairot de Fontenay, Andreanne K. Blanchette, Jean-Sebastien Roy, Catherine Mercier, Laurent Bouyer
Titre de revue/journal, volume et numéroPhysiological reports, volume 7, numéro 24.
Langue de la publication et/ou de traductionAnglais (langue d’origine)
Année de parution2019
PaysQuébec, Canada.
Institutions affiliéesCIRRIS, Université Laval.
Lien vers la publication
Type d’accès à la publicationGratuit
Mots clésgait, proprioception, robotized orthosis, spinal cord injury
Autres informations
* Décharge de responsabilité: MÉMO-Qc n’endosse pas la responsabilité des informations contenues dans les publications du répertoire de recherche.

Prochain Étude du contrôle postural quasi-statique et dynamique en position debout des personnes ayant une lésion médullaire incomplète
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