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Pressure Ulcers: What You Should Know A Guide for People with Spinal Cord Injury

Résumé Who Should Read This Guide? • People with spinal cord injury (SCI). • Family, friends, personal care attendants, and others who help you with your care. • Health-care providers with whom you come in contact, especially your primary care physician. Why Is This Guide Important? This Guide is important because: • People with SCI are at lifelong risk for developing pressure ulcers. • Pressure ulcers are a serious problem that affects health and well-being. • Many pressure ulcers can be prevented. • The earlier pressure ulcers are found, the more easily they can be treated. This Guide is intended to help you and those who assist with your care learn how to prevent pressure ulcers. If a pressure ulcer develops, this Guide will help you spot it early so that you can seek appropriate treatment. The more you know about this problem, the better able you will be to participate fully in the decisions that need to be made for treatment.
AuteursSusan L. Garber et al.
Titre de revue/journal, volume et numéroConsortium for Spinal Cord Medecine – Clinical practice guidelines
Langue de la publication et/ou de traductionAnglais (langue d’origine)
Année de parution2022
Institutions affiliéesRehabilitation Medicine Service and Rehabilitation Research and Development Center of Excellence on Healthy Aging with Disabilities Houston VA Medical Center Houston, TX
Lien vers la publicationhttps://pva.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/consumer-guide_pressure-ulcers.pdf
Type d’accès à la publicationGratuit
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