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Physical activity among individuals with spinal cord injury who ambulate: a systematic scoping review

Résumé Objectives The purpose of this project was to conduct a scoping review to understand the amounts, types, correlates, and outcomes of physical activity (PA) participation for ambulators with SCI. Methods A systematic search was employed among five large databases and two theses/dissertation databases, yielding 3257 articles. Following a two-phase screening process by independent coders, 17 articles were included in the review. Data were charted and summarized, and correlates were coded using the COM-B model. Results 11 studies were cross-sectional, 5 studies involved an exercise intervention, and 1 study used mixed methods. Overall, ambulators with SCI participated in low levels of PA. The type of PA investigated across all studies was leisure-time PA (e.g., sports, exercise). Psychological and physical capability (e.g., perceived behavioral control, fatigue), social and environmental opportunity (e.g., perceptions of disability, cost), and automatic and reflective motivation (e.g., boredom, intentions) were correlates of PA measured within studies. Exercise intervention studies measured physical (e.g., strength, fitness) and one psychological outcome (i.e., depression). No studies examined the quality of PA experiences. Conclusions Only leisure-time PA has been investigated among ambulators with SCI, and low levels of leisure-time PA have been reported. Correlates of leisure-time PA can be mapped onto all COM-B model constructs and are potential targets for PA-enhancing interventions. Further investigation is warranted into the physical and psychosocial outcomes across all types of LTPA in addition to understanding the quality of LTPA experiences.
AuteursSarah V. C. Lawrason, Kendra R. Todd, Robert B. Shaw et Kathleen A. Martin Ginis
Titre de revue/journal, volume et numéroSpinal Cord, volume 58.
Langue de la publication et/ou de traductionAnglais (langue d’origine) traduit en français
Année de parution2020
PaysQuébec, Canada
Institutions affiliéesUniversité Mc Gill
Lien vers la publicationhttps://www.nature.com/articles/s41393-020-0460-4
Type d’accès à la publicationGratuit
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