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Respiratory management following spinal cord injury: what you should know a guide for people C with spinal cord injury.

Résumé Introduction Immediately after a traumatic injury to the upper spinal cord, most bodily functions are compromised by nerve-associated damage. Some functions may improve with time, whereas others, including the ability to breathe, may remain impaired. Consequently, many people who have suffered upper spinal cord injuries are unable to breathe on their own. Fortunately, medical technologies enable an injured person to breathe with the assistance of various devices and/or treatments, such as diaphragm-pacemakers, antibiotics, physical therapy, and ventilators. As the injured person adjusts to the nerve damage incurred with the injury, some spinal cord functions may return (some people recover the ability to breathe for varying periods of time). It is essential that people with spinal cord injury (SCI) work closely with their health-care team to determine the extent to which respiratory assistance will be needed and to choose the assisted breathing program that best fits their needs. The medical team will work with the injured person to ensure that breathing is carefully and continuously monitored. If required, breathing equipment can be installed and operated in the home for short- or long-term use. People with SCI are often more susceptible to such conditions as pneumonia or a collapsed lung; therefore, ongoing monitoring and education will allow for greater security, comfort, and independence. This guide will answer many of the questions about respiratory health that may arise after a spinal cord injury. It will describe a variety of specialized treatments that people who have sustained a spinal cord injury may require to accommodate their respiratory needs. Additionally, it is hoped that this guide will reassure people who are newly injured or have ongoing difficulties with breathing post-injury that there are safe and reliable methods available for dealing with these difficulties. It is always important for a person with SCI and their caregivers to talk with their doctors, nurses, and therapists to make sure all questions are answered satisfactorily.
AuteursKenneth Parsons, John Carswell Frank W. Anderson John C. Bollinger, Stanley D. Brown, Fred Cowell et coll.
Titre de revue/journal, volume et numéroConsortium for Spinal Cord Medicine. Clinical practice guidelines.
Langue de la publication et/ou de traductionAnglais (langue d’origine)
Année de parution2009
Institutions affiliéesParalyzed Veterans of America
Lien vers la publicationhttps://pva.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/consumer-guide_respiratory_management.pdf
Type d’accès à la publicationGratuit
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