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From knowledge to action: Measuring the gaps between the evidence and adapted driver education services for young adults with disabilities

Résumé Introduction
Driving is an important activity for the social participation of young people with physical and cognitive disabilities. Learning to drive, however, presents difficulties for this population. Innovative services have been developed in the province of Québec, Canada, but the extent to which they are evidence-based is not known nor are optimal parameters for learning to drive.
AuteursCamille Breault, Julien Déry, Maryse Beaudry, Sylvie Chénard, Isabelle Gélinas, Ernesto Morales, Marie-Eve Lamontagne
Titre de revue/journal, volume et numéroTransportation research interdisciplinary perspective, volume 4.
Langue de la publication et/ou de traductionAnglais (langue d’origine)
Année de parution2020
PaysQuébec, Canada.
Institutions affiliéesCIRRIS, Université Laval.
Lien vers la publicationhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.trip.2019.100065
Type d’accès à la publicationGratuit
Mots clés
Adapted driver, education service, Knowledge translation, Disability
Autres informations
* Décharge de responsabilité: MÉMO-Qc n’endosse pas la responsabilité des informations contenues dans les publications du répertoire de recherche.

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